Extraordinary Therapeutic Effects with Targeted Areas Treatments

The Technology & Medical Applications:

HIFEM – Electro-magnetic muscle stimulation has gained popularity in recent years, especially in areas of muscle toning and building, incontinence treatment, pelvic floor muscle strengthening, pain management, and rehabilitation, this has been reflected in numerous published studies.

It is known that electromagnetic stimulation device technology can be configured for multiple purposes according to target treatment, as the clinical application of electromagnetic stimulation is based on stimulating the motor and sensory nerves, inducing muscle contraction and neuromodulation.

VeroHealer is a bioengineered design for targeted effective treatments with preset and manual treatment modes for many different body conditions is an innovative functional electromagnetic therapy device with a safer, more comfortable treatment experience, and better long-lasting treatment effects.

VeroHealer – Applicators Design & BioTechnology

The electromagnetic field from VeroHealer applicators directly stimulates the deep muscle and nerve tissue, inducing muscle contraction and neuromodulation, resulting in extraordinary therapeutic effects. The result is muscle strengthening, toning, better pain management, reduced swelling, and a significantly improved range of motion in the affected area.

Applying VeroHealer targeted treatments, impaired/ damaged cells reform to the normal healthy state as the electrical charge within the cells increases. Cell metabolism is increased, regenerating blood cells, and improving blood circulation, and thus oxygen supply and absorption are increased by 200% from the benchmark.

This boosts the immune system with a healthier liver and kidneys, and the colon functions better to remove waste and toxins. The electrical stimulation device allows the muscles to undergo passive high-intensity training, contracting and toning the muscles for “Abdominal Training” and “Butt/Thigh Firming”.

How magnetic fields activate muscles

VeroHealer generates an electromagnetic field and is applied to the targeted area. The Electromagnetic field penetrates deep into the tissue of the target area. The electromagnetic field does not get obstructed by clothing, skin, muscle, or bone.

When in the tissue, the electromagnetic field is converted into a local electric field. These two domains combine to achieve muscle activation and neuromodulation with therapeutic effects on the tissue resulting in muscle activation, muscle relaxation, and pain relief.

The desired effect is achieved by setting different treatment parameters.

Skin & Peri-wound Skin – Activating Skin with No Mechanical Stretch

Veroderm confirms that VeroHealer treatments with the engineered and designed applicators, stimulate muscles and neuromodulation in treated areas, aggravating tissues above these muscles will agitate skin cells to ameliorate blood supply to WAT (White Adipose Tissue), dermis, and epidermis resulting in healthier skin cells.

This significantly improves wound healing in the case of applying VeroHealer to wounded areas and the peri-wound skin is thus healthier and prompted to respond to improved healing and closure, This is especially said about chronic wounds & ulcers.

Bedridden Patients’ VeroHealer Targeted Muscle Treatment

VeroHealer is designed for Bedridden Patients of all ages

~ Post surgeries

~ Woundcare & Chronic Wound/ Ulcers Management

~ Hospitalized and Homecare Patients, the young and the elderly with #muscle_weakness.

VeroHealer Treatments

~ Stimulate muscle Oxygen supply

~ Boost and promote blood circulation

~ Increase cell metabolism and calorie-burning

~ Obtain muscle MASS & STRENGTH.

~ Avoid skin problems and pressure sores. Heal chronic wounds and ulcers. Prevent thrombosis and muscle atrophy and maintain joint flexibility.

LONG lasting results | 100% non-invasive | Pain-free | Completely Safe. Minimal contact with no strapping required

With the unique ability to stimulate deep muscles in the core and pelvic region the elderly and adults will obtain improved posture, stability, and balance. Strengthening vital muscle groups can help improve movement confidence and minimize the risk of falls.

Physical Therapy Indications

VeroHeal Treatments for rehabilitation and Physical therapy is a wide application and include:

  • Various Muscle Pathology: muscle soreness, muscle weakness, contracture, and adverse pain
  • Soft tissue injury, peripheral nerve injury, movement damage
  • Joint Skeletal Disease: Degenerative arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Periarthritis of shoulder, Cervical and shoulder myofasciitis and low back myofasciitis, Tenosynovitis, Synovitis, Hip gout (sciatica), Cervical pain, Lumbar muscle strain, Lumbar pain, Elbow, wrist, and arm pathology (epicondylitis/tennis elbow, Tendinitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome). Inflammation and damage of Achilles tendon, ligament, bone and joints, and joint wear (Shoulder joints, hip joints, knee joints, ankle joints, )

VeroHeal Treatments – A glimpse

Treatments with Veroderm electromagnetic fields are an essentially risk-free, side-effect-free approach. With patience, you will find this treatment very comfortable: the treatment ring is placed on the painful area, you are still wearing clothing, no direct skin contact is required, and high-energy magnetic pulses are delivered to the muscle and nerve tissue, where they work and the treatment continues 20 to 30 minutes, the treatment process requires 6 to 8 courses, with an interval of 2-3 days/time, depending on the severity of the client’s condition and the response to the treatment.

Placement diagram:

Thermal Imaging Results

Thermal imaging shows the effect before and after treatment. Due to muscle activation and strong pulse magnetic field effects, it can be seen significant changes in blood circulation, vascular diastolic, and metabolism.

Before & After Treatment Thermal Imaging




DO NOT apply: on the head, eyes, myocardium, spinal cord, gland, kidney, and/ or liver

This device uses electromagnetic energy to move muscles. If you have any issue of muscle loss or, if you have the following conditions. please be careful while using and applying treatments,

    • During pregnancy, use patients with caution
    • If any metal or electronic objects are implanted in the body (pacemakers, defibrillators, nerve stimulators, brackets, cochlear implants, hearing aids, sheath pumps, drug pumps, etc.), please do not apply near those implants
    • Local metal fixation (such as steel plates and steel nails, artificial joints, or prosthetic limbs) with caution
    • Fascia fascia or severe damage to be cautious
    • Use with caution with patients with adverse magnetic therapy


For more information and to receive VeroHealer User Manual please write to us: info@veroderm.com